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Writer's pictureBrian Stoll


Updated: Aug 31, 2022

July 5th 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Gary Gundlach at 6:30 pm. Verification of proper posting was given and roll call was taken with Ryan Bunders absent. A motion was made by Larry Zeeh and seconded by Randy Mara to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2022 regular board meeting. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Larry Zeeh and seconded by Randy Mara to pay Rule Construction the final payment in the amount of $46,220.03 for the boat launch project. Motion carried.

Nick gave the waterworks report.

The MGE request to put an antennae on the water tower and the Main Street lighting project were tabled.

A motion was made by Tom Mullikin and seconded by Travis Lomas to not provide a sponsorship to Driftless Wisconsin. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Larry Zeeh and seconded by Tom Mullikin to approve a tobacco license to Greg Russell for Boondocks Sports Bar & Grill. Motion carried

A motion was made by Tom Mullikin and seconded by Travis Lomas to approve operator's license for Joelle Bohringer and Melissa Watkins. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Gary Gundlach and seconded by Tom Mullikin to convene into executive session at 7:29 pm. Motion carried. A motion was made by Gary Gundlach and seconded by Tom Mullikin to reconvene into open session at 7:36 pm. Motion carried. There was no action taken.

A motion was made by Larry Zeeh and seconded by Bill Kapinus to pay the bills as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Bill Kapinus and seconded by Ryan Tom Mullikin to adjourn at 7:49 pm. Motion carried.

Phillis Groom

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